The Secret of Adapting Anywhere - ExpatJoy

ExpatJoy - Passionate Global Living with Sandra Bissell


The Secret of Adapting Anywhere

If you arrive at a new destination and keep longing for your prior one, have you arrived at all?

Imagine instead, if you land somewhere in the world and feel at home, even temporarily, and create happiness for you and those around you.

Aren’t you then starting your transition on the right foot while in charge of your new life?

Many times during short (sometimes long) transitions, expatriates adopt the “I’m not going to be here long enough, so why bother” attitude.

But in fact, it’s by arriving with our bodies, minds, and souls that we can experience a sense of home anywhere.

I’m not saying that it’ll be easy. But, I promise that it’s by being present and taking responsibility for your transition that you’ll start the process of adaptation and become resourceful in finding solutions for your challenges.

Consider a family of five living in the United States during the 1960’s. The father was a consultant, and the mother was busy taking care of their three young boys. Both parents desired to create home during the family’s frequent moves. To do so, this wise couple carried paintings to decorate hotel rooms and temporary apartments, guaranteeing that the children created a sense of belonging and of home.

That’s taking responsibility for creating their desired results.

Wherever you go in life, unpack your bags – physically and mentally – and plant your trees. Too many people never live in the now because they assume the time is too short to settle in. They don’t plant trees because they expect to be gone before the trees bear fruit. But if you keep thinking about the next move, you’ll never live fully where you are. When it’s time to go, then it’s time to go, but you won’t have missed what this experience was about. If you never eat from the trees, someone else will. Charles Frame was author Ruth Van Renken’s father.

If we’re going to adapt, thrive and enjoy our lives at any location, it’s essential that we arrive and plant our seeds without expectations.

Live with joy,

Sandra Bissell

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My name is Sandra Bissell.
I have been blessed with the opportunity to live as an expatriate for more than 2 decades.

Some of my passions are people, my family, good conversations, traveling, ethnic food, dancing and Capoeira, an Afro-Brazilian-Martial-Art-Dance.

Originally from the countryside of São Paulo state, in Brazil, I have enjoyed life in Kanagawa and Aichi prefectures, in Japan, Boston and San Diego cities, in the United States, São Paulo, Brazil, as an expatriate in my own country, Zurich – Switzerland and most recently Stamford, Connecticut, back to the United States.

As you may guess, I feel the most comfortable within the international community.
ExpatJoy - Passionate Global Living with Sandra Bissell


    +1 860 506 5115
